After upgrading the ADP version, I get an error while compiling a project made from an old ADP version. The error are of the type ERROR:PhysDesignRules:xxxx. For example:
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:2399 – The GTXE1 comp ETH0_MAC/ETH0_MAC/V6HARD_SYS.I_TEMAC/I_EMAC_TOP/EmacBlock_l/GTP_DUAL_1000X_inst/rocketio_wrapper_inst/gtx0_rocketio_w rapper_i/gtxe1_i has POWER_SAVE[4] set to an unsupported value and must be set to 1. Please see Answer Record 39430 for more information.

Delete the work directory to erase all files compiled with the previous version.